Oracle NetSuite Localizations for Latin America Countries

At Tekiio we cover the tax legislation of several Latin American countries, allowing companies to comply with the legislation and accountancy needs of each region where they operate.

Adapt NetSuite to Latin American countries and expand its benefits with Tekiio's localizations.

Each tax localization is fully integrated and embedded within the standard operating processes of the Oracle NetSuite system so that your company can issue, validate and manage correct tax receipts for each country easily and in real time. 



    Approved and certified as SUITEAPP, our Argentina localization allows companies to generate electronic tax documents with direct connection to AFIP, manage withholdings, sales taxes and files for applications in a fully integrated way. Learn more


    At Tekiio we have developed additional functionalities based on Oracle NetSuite's own module that make the way companies operate in the system more efficient, simple and secure.


    The new functionalities of Tekiio's Chile localization allow you to transparently comply with all local tax requirements and integrate with the Servicios de Impuestos Internos (SII) directly through different alternatives of integrators, getting the best service your company requires. Learn more


    At Tekiio we developed additional functionalities based on Oracle NetSuite's own module that allows the addition of fields, forms and further validations required by the DIAN, as well as the creation and use of electronic documents. It also has an integration to automatically obtain the currency exchange rate.




    With tekiio's localization module for Ecuador, your company will be able to operate within NetSuite covering, in a fully integrated way, the fiscal requirements required by the Servicio de Rentas Internas (SRI).

    *Coming soon*

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    guatemala (2)Guatemala

    The localization for Guatemala developed by tekiio complements NetSuite for the compliance of tax requirements by incorporating the main functionalities of tax information management on suppliers and customers and management of tax reports.

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    The Mexico Localization Suite developed by tekiio is a complementary add-on to NetSuite's Mexico LOC that allows, in addition to complying with the requirements of Annex 20 of the SAT, to have a self-invoicing site (Kiosk) and automate the electronic invoicing process through automatic stamping and global invoicing.


    With tekiio's localization module for Panama, your company will be able to operate with Oracle NetSuite covering the requirements requested by the Dirección General de Ingresos (DGI) and functionalities such as VAT administration, Annex 72, 90, 93 and 94 reports and ITMBS filing report generation.


    The localization for Paraguay complements NetSuite to comply with tax requirements by incorporating the functionalities of tax information management for suppliers and customers, automated calculation of VAT / INR withholdings, electronic invoicing and management of tax reports.


    The localization we have developed for Uruguay allows compliance with tax requirements by incorporating the functionalities of tax information management for suppliers and customers, automated calculation of VAT / IREA / IRNR / IRPF withholdings on purchases, electronic invoicing and management of tax reports. Learn more