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A global leader in cultural transformation.




Axialent is an international consultancy specialized in cultural transformation. Its mission is to help multinational organizations achieve sustainable business results by creating effective behavior change for people, in all departments, in all languages around the world.
With companies increasingly recognizing the value of organizational culture and its direct impact on business performance, the demand for Axialent's services has continued to grow and the company has expanded, covering more than 10 countries and with a team of 200 people. After achieving global growth and success, Axialent began to need to centralize the operations of its subsidiaries, automate their processes and integrate them into a single technological platform that provides efficient management information.
After an evaluation process, Axialent identified that Quickbooks was insufficient for the size of its processes. This is how they began a search for alternatives and found that Oracle NetSuite ERP was the solution tailored to their needs.
Process Alignment and Control

"NetSuite has allowed us to standardize our work processes on a single global platform, providing us with a consolidated analysis of our operations in real time, thus contributing to more efficient decision making,".- says Daniel Cuelho, CFO of Axialent.

After an efficient implementation of just three months by 3KSYS (Tekiio group), Oracle NetSuite has allowed Axialent to allow the different areas to operate within the same platform, thus eliminating duplication in work and helping time efficiency. In addition, thanks to the automation and optimization of the processes, the management has created a shared service center to manage the finances and projects of all the subsidiaries from Buenos Aires, where they can see in real time the status and profitability of the projects in different parts of the world, allowing faster decisions to be made.

For Daniel Cuelho, Finance Manager of Axialent and Project Manager of the Oracle NetSuite implementation project, 3KSYS (Tekiio group) was an ally that helped strengthen and empower Oracle NetSuite, customizing the different structures and functionalities of the system in order to use them for the organization's operational processes. In addition, the support received in terms of internal process improvement consultancies stands out beyond the rest.

“3KSYS has given us excellent service and without a doubt helped us to enhance the tool. A partner with a high commitment to the result that, in addition, provides follow-ups and feedback on everything so that we can improve as an organization”.- concluded Cuelho.

Moving forward, Axialent intends to add processes such as, sales management and expense tracking to NetSuite to further improve business efficiency through automation.
NetSuite today is the best tool on the market. It is flexible, dynamic, and in accordance with good consolidated business practices. It allows us to standardize all our work processes on a single global platform. Furthermore, it also provides us with information and consolidated analysis of our operations in real time, helping us to make more efficient decisions.
Daniel Cuelho
Director de Finanzas de Axialent