We are now certified

Great Place to Work!

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“We are thrilled to become Great Place To Work-Certified™ as we consider employee experience a top priority every day, We owe our continued success to our team of dedicated employees at company. We celebrate and thank them for all they do to earn this incredible recognition."

Alberto Carrizo, President and CEO at Tekiio.


Explore our open positions.

In Tekiio we live our values creating an enriching and enjoyable working atmosphere. We seek continuous improvement of our work teams for their professional and personal growth. Learn about our job offers and apply for the different jobs.We have offices in the United States: San Antonio, Texas and Miami, Florida

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Would you like to be part of our team?

If you are looking to be part of a young, dynamic company with challenges and without limitations for your professional growth, we want to meet you. Complete the form below and attach your curriculum.

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